Chapter 4 – This poem is about Union General Buford coming into Gettysburg with his cavalry. From Cemetery Hill he spots Confederate troops. He warns General John Reynolds
and tells him he has found good high ground.
by Christopher Rudolph © 2015
General Buford Monument, Gettysburg, PA.
Chapter 4 – General Buford
It was June 30th
Sometime around noon
From Northwest down Cashtown Road (Chambersburg Pike now U.S. 30)
Came the first Rebel platoon
Looking for supplies
Especially shoes
Entered Rebels from the brigade
Of General Pettigrew
Into town of Gettysburg
Hitching posts, church steeple
Streets deserted
White houses hiding people
From the Cumberland Valley
On a road winding gray
Up from the South
Came a blue blur blaze
They wound around the last bend
And the Rebels then did see
Tall General John Buford
Leading his Union cavalry
Up a hill they went
Cemetery on top
He looked across the town
Rebel infantry he did spot
Jammed along a road
Near a red brick Seminary
“Was it just a raiding party?
Where was their cavalry?”
Very strange he thought
They would roam so blind
Where was J.E.B. Stuart?
It was he they needed to find
Buford sensed the convergence
Of a mighty Confederate force
Turning away from Harrisburg
Changing course
His scouts confirmed
For they did see
The entire Rebel Army
Of Robert E. Lee
Heading to Gettysburg
To meet the Union blue
Clash of armies
Tomorrow would ensue
Buford’s small force
Stood now between
Rebels and hills
South of town so green
He must secure the high ground
Advantages tactical it would afford
Cannons bursting blasting
Over low ground they would lord
The Rebs saw the Yanks
And retreated several miles back
But Buford knew for sure
At dawn they would attack
So a message he did send
To General Reynolds ten miles away
To gather his three corps fast
And quickly head this way
Reynolds confirmed
And wrote “Hold Your Ground”
Buford’s men dug in
For good high ground indeed was found
Surrounding the town
Formidable defensive locations
Seminary and Cemetery Ridges
A formidable formation
They setup their camps
On this good fighting ground
At dawn they’d soon hear
Rebel yells resound
Buford himself camped
At the Lutheran Seminary
For he wanted a spot to view
Advancing rebel military
Early in the morning
He would climb the Cupola to see
The first fierce fighting Rebels
Of Robert E. Lee