Chapter 14 – Charge of 20th Maine – Day 2
Chapter 14 – This poem “Charge of 20th Maine” focuses on the charge that saved Little Round Top on July 2nd, 1863. They were led by Colonel Chamberlain. Little Round Top was the left of the left Union flank. It was crucial that the 20th Maine
hold this terrain. They were under fierce attack by the 15th Regiment Alabama Infantry, commanded by Colonel William Oates, which was part of General Law’s Brigade in General Hood’s Division. When totally out of ammunition, Colonel Joshua Chamberlain
ordered the regiment to fix bayonets and charge. This charge saved the left side of Little Round Top. The right side of Little Round Top was still being attacked and is dealt with in Chapter 15. But saving the left side of Little Round Top, was crucial for being able to secure this tactical high ground. The 20th Maine, after all that they went through, were ordered to secure Big Round Top that night. They totally completed their mission.
Rebel cannons began
Thundering in the West
Union Left trembling
Battering the ridge crest
Colonel Chamberlain ordered
Regiment to fall in
20th ME on the march
Battle soon to begin
Towards high ground they marched
Up over a bridge
Artillery fire growing louder
As it pounded the ridge
They continued up the rise
Until they had a great view
Of the battle raging below
Rebel army cutting through
The Rebels were trying to out flank
The Union Left side
They would be there soon
They were going to collide
Colonel Vincent told Chamberlain
This is where they would stop
20th ME must guard left flank
Of Little Round Top
The rest of the Brigade
Would form to the right
With 83rd and 44th
They would brace for the fight
They formed around the hill
Staying off the crown bare
Rebels like to shoot high
Artillery raining up there
Steep slope in the woods
Strange place to fight
Soon they’d be facing
Hood’s Confederate might
So, on the extreme left
Of the Union line
Chamberlain’s 20th ME
Guarded the incline
Maine must hold the line
No rebels could pass
Union depended on them
Maine must fight to the last
These men from Maine
Must show their might
And the world will now see
How a professor can fight
Chamberlain ordered Captain Morrill
To take his fifty men from Company B
To the left front flank
To be skirmishers in the trees
Company B was formed
From men from Piscataquis, Maine
Rebels attempting to out flank them
They must valiantly contain
Out there all alone
Clinging to a slope of despair
They were the left of the left
A line they could not let tear
To the summit top
Chamberlain quickly walked
Down below he viewed
Smoke cloaking masses of rocks
Red battle flags waving
Already at hill’s base
Masses of rebels yelling
They soon would face
Chamberlain went back to the line
Heard musketry explode
New York 44th
And 83rd PA did unload
They were shooting at rebels
Up the hill they did swarm
The battle getting hot
Setting sun still warm
The 20th Maine finding cover
Already now dug in
Behind rocks piled high
Let the battle begin
They charged fast
Like demons out of hell
Ferociously unleashed
Screaming the Rebel Yell
The sound was haunting
Filled many men with fear
But they were the end of the line
Army of Potomac ends here
Positioned behind rocks
The men hunched over and still
Chamberlain gave the order
To fire at will
A flurry of fire
Broke out to the right
The battle was on
The fight of all fights
Bullets cracked against rocks
And zipped through the leaves
15th Alabama was coming
Up through the trees
The Rebels were wearing
Uniforms gray yellow green
Disappearing at times
Behind a smoke screen
Blue soldiers bobbing
Grunting wailing
Clanging ramrods
Bullets sailing
Rising out of the trees
Dissolving in smoke
Blasted backwards battered
Rolling corpses croaked
Some got so close
Could see the bumps on their heads
In just a matter of seconds
They were soon filled with lead
Still they kept coming
Rebels forged ahead
Crouching and firing
Many men from Maine dead
The situation was dire
Now out of ammunition
But they couldn’t retreat
Must hold their position
If they don’t hold
The rebels will win
Sweep up over the hill
Whole Union flank caves in
Rebels were 30 yards away
Chamberlain from a gray rock large
Raising his swirling saber
Yelled, “Fix bayonets and charge!”
A roar of animal screams
Erupted from their chests
They poured over the crest
Down the hill they pressed
Down through dark bushes
Over rugged rocky ground
Through twisted splintered trees
Down the hill they bound
Sharp bayonets pointed
Piercing through rebel hides
Blood gushing flowing
Out of their insides
Gray men below froze
Crouched then quickly turned
Running away from the Blue wave
Not wanting to be interred
Some just raised their hands
No time for them to run
Now they must surrender
The battle for them was done
Then through thick brush
Chamberlain squinted his eyes to see
Captain Morill wandering to him
With his boys from Company B
They had guarded the flank
The left of the left never fell
Them boys held their ground
They really had fought well
Chamberlain’s 20th Maine triumphed
The rebels were stopped
As the Second Day ended
The Union still held Little Round Top
The day was over
But no time to stop
Orders came for them
To climb Big Round Top
So, in the dark
The 20th Maine ascended
To the highest of high ground
Now to be defended